Building on proven success. Sharing best practices and resources in overdose prevention with you.

The National Overdose Prevention Network (NOPN) is a national learning community. We support local, regional and statewide overdose prevention efforts that draw communities together to save lives. Our goal is to help those doing the work on the ground share lessons learned and get inspired by new strategies.

Scaling impact from California to the nation

In 2017 we built the largest network of coalitions dedicated to opioid safety in the country. We reached 85% of Californians through our coalition network, or 33 million people. NOPN is based on the success of that model and the demand to bring this work to a national level. Learn more about our work in California.

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An interconnected model for preventing overdose deaths

People across the country are working to prevent overdose in their communities. We know that success happens through implementing best practices and working smarter together to:

  • Prevent new addictions

  • Manage Pain Safely

  • Treat Addiction

  • Stop Overdose Deaths


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Building a Healthy Coalition

Coalitions are messy by design. They bring people together from different sectors and disciplines who each come with their own vocabulary, perspective, and approach to the issue. In order to be effective, coalitions need to have a strong operating infrastructure in place.

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Overdose Safety Strategies

What can we do to reduce the supply of opioids, lower demand, and stop unnecessary deaths? There are many evidence-based strategies at our disposal, as well as innovative new approaches taking place across the country.


Measurement & CQI

A thoughtful approach to data and measurement will help ensure that your overdose safety strategies reach your target populations and allow you to measure your outcomes. Continuous quality improvement, or CQI, is also critical for making sure you regularly assess and improve your work along the way.

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Sustainability Planning

How do we ensure that our important work continues and is sustained within our communities? Planning for sustainability is about more than securing funding for your work. It is about having a clear message of who you are, your priorities, and the change you are already making in your community.

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Communicating for Impact

To improve opioid safety within communities, we need to communicate our work clearly and persuasively. There are many different types of people we need to reach – clinicians, policymakers, law enforcement, youth, the media, and businesses, to name a few. Each audience comes with their own perspective, and we need to tailor our messages accordingly.


Backed by experts.
Grounded in research & practice.

We launched NOPN in February 2020 with a vision to transform the field. Hear from leaders from the CDC, PHI, and more.


An introduction to the National Overdose Prevention Network (NOPN) by Carmen Rita Nevarez, MD, MPH, Director of the Center for Health Leadership and Practice and VP of the Public Health Institute.

Keynote presentation by Roneet Lev, MD, Chief Medical Officer for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

Keynote presentation by Kelly Pfeifer, MD, Deputy Director of Behavioral Health for the California Department of Health Care Services

Panel discussion on 'What Role Can We All Play?". Panelists include: Cindy Cipriani, JD, Assistant U.S. Attorney; Milano Harden, Ed. M, President and Founder of The Genius Group, Inc; Matt Willis, MD, Marin County Local Health Officer; and James Wilson, Plumas County Public Health Agency, Health Education Coordinator

NOPN is funded by the California Department of Health Care Services State Opioid Response IV Grant

Learn more


Help shape the future of overdose prevention

Plans are underway to launch a national learning academy to provide local teams with customized support including team-based training, coaching, and prevention strategies.

Interested in getting support for your team? Contact us with your request or questions.