Messaging guide for communicating about overdose prevention
About the messaging guide
To support advocates and local leaders in their efforts to communicate effectively about substance use treatment and overdose prevention, we partnered with Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG) to develop messaging and communication resources.
This messaging guide is updated for 2024 and reflects the current state of the overdose epidemic and successful strategies to focus your messaging, reach your audience, and gain support for your work.
How the guide can help support your work
Read the guide today and learn how to:
Define your outreach goals
Identify spokespeople and craft your message
Build partnerships and coalitions to amplify your impact
Weigh your options for media outreach
Follow examples in the guide that emerged from conversations with experts and focus on key issue areas, including:
Stigma against people who use substances
Pushback against policies like harm reduction efforts and substance use treatment
Responding to misinformation
Unique considerations for rural communities
Watch these recorded webinars to learn how the guide can be put into action

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