National Overdose Prevention Network (NOPN) Community Model for Overdose Prevention

People across the country are working hard to prevent overdose in their communities. To be effective, local coalitions and others committed to this crisis need to implement best practices and work smarter together.


At NOPN, we promote a model to drive local systems change in overdose prevention based on the following five areas:

Partnerships & Coalition Building

Cultivating strong local partnerships that span multiple sectors (e.g., public health, law enforcement, educators, behavioral health, clinicians, etc.) and developing a solid coalition infrastructure (e.g., governance, decision-making, vision/mission, etc.)

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Overdose Prevention Strategies

Putting evidence-based strategies into action including those that prevent new addictions, manage pain safely, treat addiction, and stop overdose deaths.

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Communication Strategies

Developing a clear communications strategy across partners and with the wider community.

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Data & Measurement

Tracking data and setting clear objectives to measure progress over time, including opportunities for continuous quality improvement (CQI).

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Sustainability planning

Developing systems, partnerships, and practices that ensure the work will continue over time.

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