Inland Empire Opioid Crisis Coalition Responds to the Dual Crisis of Overdose & COVID-19

The Inland Empire Opioid Crisis Coalition (IEOCC) has recently launched its summer video marketing campaign that highlights the accomplishments of its members in responding to SUD and OUD efforts in San Bernardino and Riverside counties during COVID-19. This includes delivering screening to over 2,000 new patients for MAT treatments in probation and reducing underage use of opioid prescriptions by 25% in two quarters.

The coalition plans to publish its first Access to Treatment dashboard from the Inland Empire that highlights the achievements of five ED Bridge programs, MAT access data serving at-risk youth, as well as patients in detention centers and jails at the end of the month.

Visit the IEOCC website and connect with them on LinkedIn.


San Benito County Opioid Task Force Reframes Messaging & Outreach for COVID-19