Public Health Institute (PHI) Request for Applications (RFA)

Reducing Overdose Deaths in California through Prevention, Treatment and Harm Reduction Strategies led by Multi-Sector Coalitions

Response due by December 6, 2024. Applications open October 22, 2024.

The California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN), based at the PHI Center for Health Leadership and Impact (CHLI), is pleased to release this Request for Applications (RFA) funded by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). The RFA will support local overdose prevention coalitions to reduce overdose deaths from illicitly manufactured fentanyl and other drugs through implementation of overdose prevention, treatment and harm reduction strategies.

Funding Overview

Funding Source

Funding originates from the California State Opioid Response (SOR) IV grant awarded to the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The Public Health Institute (PHI), on behalf of the PHI Center for Health Leadership and Impact (CHLI) which operates the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN), serves as an administrative entity on behalf of DHCS.

Funding Amount

Coalitions must apply to one of two funding tiers. All awarded coalitions must include the three required objectives in their workplan. Tier 1 awards are $45k/year for coalitions that include two additional objectives in their workplan (five objectives total). Tier 2 awards are $75k/year for coalitions that include a minimum of four additional objectives in their workplan (seven to nine objectives total).

Funding Eligibility

Public and non-profit organizations representing a local or regional overdose prevention coalition in California are eligible to apply. Applicants must include supporting documentation within their application to verify the structure and multi-sector configuration of their coalition.


Agreement Period

Agreements will be initiated with funded entities in January 2025. The agreement period will be backdated to January 1, 2025, and end August 30, 2027 (32-months). Funding will be pro-rated for 8 months in year 3 of the agreement.

Agreement Type

The Public Health Institute (PHI) will issue a fixed-price, deliverables-based subaward to successful applicants identified from this RFA process.

Payment Structure

The total award will be divided into quarterly payments. The final payment will be prorated to two months. Funded entities will submit quarterly progress reports and invoices designating successful completion of workplan activities, deliverables, progress reports, and participation in monthly learning group calls. Invoices will be due 15 days after the end of the quarterly project period.


Applicants must upload a workplan using the template provided in the RFA.

Required Objectives

  • Expand overdose prevention education, awareness and/or stigma reduction

  • Improve access to medication assisted treatment (MAT) and recovery services

  • Increase availability of harm reduction resources and services

Optional Objectives

To receive $45,000/year select two (2) and to receive $75,000/year select at least four (4)

Subaward Statement of Objectives

  • Workplan with specific objectives, performance measures, activities and deliverables.

  • Participation from 1-2 representatives attend monthly learning group calls led by the COPN Impact Coach. These 1-hour calls provide a robust peer learning opportunity.

  • Submission of quarterly reports to outline progress on each objective and submission of deliverables listed in the workplan.

Reporting Requirements

Funded coalitions will be required to submit:

  • Quarterly reports and documentation for stated deliverables using an online reporting form. Additional quantitative data will include performance data for each objective (applicants will list 1-2 performance measures per objective)

  • Data used for external evaluation purposes including the number of naloxone doses and fentanyl test strips distributed, and the number of prevention education events and trainings delivered, including the number of attendees and their professional sector.


Application Timeline

  • Information Session: October 22, 2024

  • Application open: October 22, 2024

  • Response deadline: December 6, 2024

  • Notification of funding: Week of January 13, 2025

  • Agreement start date: January 1, 2025

  • Agreement end date: August 30, 2027

Selection Process

A minimum of two people from the review committee will review each application. The committee is made up of staff from the COPN team at CHLI and representatives from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). They will carefully review and score each application based on completion and quality. After review, selected applicants may receive feedback and be asked to resubmit portions of their application, including their workplan, before awards can be finalized.

Response due by December 6, 2024.
Applications open October 22, 2024.