Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Drug Disposal: Drug Take Back Locations
This guideline provides an overview of medicine take back options and why they are the best way to safely dispose of most types of unneeded or expired prescription and over the counter medicines.
CHOMP - Less is More - Writing Prescriptions a Safer Way
The Monterey County Prescribe Safe Initiative is an organization that wants to help physicians with safe prescribing. Read through some of the solutions that have been working in Monterey County.
Recommendations for Safe Opioid Prescribing
Safe Med LA, the opioid coalition for LA county created a 10-page recommendation on safe prescribing, broken down into six main focus areas: (1) Safe Opioid Prescribing; (2) Avoid Escalating Opioid Doses; (3) Avoid Dangerous Medication Combinations ; (4) Safe Tapering Practices; (5) Concurrent Drug and Alcohol Use; (6) Opioid Use Disorder and Medications for Addiction Treatment. Use this recommendation in conjunction with the Safe Opioid Prescribing Recommendations Template to customize the guidelines for your own communities and prescribers.
CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
This guideline provides recommendations for primary care clinicians who are prescribing opioids for chronic pain outside of active cancer treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care.
CDPH Resources for Opioid Prescribers
An inclusive resource sheet with various tools for prescribers.
SafeRx Santa Cruz Infographic 2017
We hear a lot about the opioid epidemic in the news, but not so much about how we are going to stop it. SafeRx Santa Cruz County has been working in collaboration with doctors, pharmacists, and other community members on preventative measures.
Pharmacy Access to Sterile Injection Supplies for People Who Inject Drugs
There can be a lot of pushback in communities when it comes to syringe services. This article about how pharmacies can expand over-the-counter sterile injection supplies to prevent the spread of infection, especially during COVID-19.
Marin County Letter to Pharmacists
Opioid prescribing in Marin has decreased 48 percent since 2014, when safe prescribing was made a local public health priority. Read this news release to learn more.
Clinical Tools for Primary Care Providers
This webpage provides tools for primary care providers to help carry out the complex task of balancing pain management with the potential risks that prescription opioids pose.