Resource Library

Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.


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Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns

Emerging Trends Training Series Podcast 

The Emerging Trends in Addiction Medicine Podcast series features the learnings of hospitals taking part in the CA Bridge Centers of Excellence project. In addition to sharing best practices for low-threshold access to buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder, this series will explore emerging treatment pathways for stimulant use disorder and post-overdose care. The series will also share learnings from the Centers of Excellence hospitals’ response to the increased supply of fentanyl in California so that all hospitals are able to address the overdose crisis with evidence-based care.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns

Drug Policy Alliance

Overdose deaths in the United States dropped by nearly 17% between July 2023 and July 2024. However, over 93,000 people died of drug overdose in that period, more than the number of people who died from vehicle-caused accidents or firearms combined. This remains an urgent public health issue that requires evidence-based solutions. Public health interventions saved lives and must be expanded. Effective interventions include: the overdose prevention drug naloxone, expanded harm reduction services such as fentanyl test strips, increased access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), and drug education based in facts, not fear.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns

NIH Launches program to advance research led by Native American communities on substance use and pain

In recent years overdose death rates have been highest among American Indian and Alaskan Native People. Research prioritized by native communities is essential for enhancing and promoting positive health outcomes. The Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness (N CREW) Program will support research projects led directly by Tribes and organizations that serve Native American communities. The NIH will also support the development of a Native Research Network to provide training, resources, and real-time support to N CREW participants.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Josie Daaboul Overdose Prevention Strategies Josie Daaboul

Communities Talk

The El Dorado Coalition for Overdose Prevention and Education created a template to be used for other overdose prevention coalitions to use for outlining the overdose crisis locally, their coalition's history, achievements, and ways for new members to get involved. This fact sheet can serve as an effective tool for communication and engagement with the community, coalition partners, and local decision-makers.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Josie Daaboul Overdose Prevention Strategies Josie Daaboul

Talk. They Hear You

The El Dorado Coalition for Overdose Prevention and Education created a template to be used for other overdose prevention coalitions to use for outlining the overdose crisis locally, their coalition's history, achievements, and ways for new members to get involved. This fact sheet can serve as an effective tool for communication and engagement with the community, coalition partners, and local decision-makers.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Fact Sheet: The Impact of the Overdose Crisis on Latinx Communities in the United States

Drug overdoses have affected all communities across the United States. Yet there are notable racial and ethnic disparities that have emerged over the past 25 years, even though people of all races and ethnicities use drugs at similar rates. Racism, lack of access to treatment and services, targeted drug enforcement, and stigma are some of the most common factors contributing to these tragic losses in our communities. DPA has developed three new fact sheets that describe overdose death trends among Black, Latinx, and Native American communities. They also provide policy recommendations and strategies for how our elected officials can save lives. 

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Fact Sheet: The Impact of the Overdose Crisis on Black Communities in the United States

Drug overdoses have affected all communities across the United States. Yet there are notable racial and ethnic disparities that have emerged over the past 25 years, even though people of all races and ethnicities use drugs at similar rates. Racism, lack of access to treatment and services, targeted drug enforcement, and stigma are some of the most common factors contributing to these tragic losses in our communities. DPA has developed three new fact sheets that describe overdose death trends among Black, Latinx, and Native American communities. They also provide policy recommendations and strategies for how our elected officials can save lives. 

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Fact Sheet: The Impact of the Overdose Crisis on Native American Communities in the United States

Drug overdoses have affected all communities across the United States. Yet there are notable racial and ethnic disparities that have emerged over the past 25 years, even though people of all races and ethnicities use drugs at similar rates. Racism, lack of access to treatment and services, targeted drug enforcement, and stigma are some of the most common factors contributing to these tragic losses in our communities. DPA has developed three new fact sheets that describe overdose death trends among Black, Latinx, and Native American communities. They also provide policy recommendations and strategies for how our elected officials can save lives. 

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Fentanyl and Public Drug Use: A Doctor Gives the Facts

The Drug Policy Alliance’s newest video resource is focused on dispelling myths surrounding fentanyl and features, Dr. Goodman-Meza an expert on the intersection of infectious diseases and addiction. He knows better than most how crucial it is for us to approach drug use and the overdose crisis with solutions based in health and science.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Preventing Overdose and Reducing Drug-Related Harm Policy and Implementation Guides for State and Local Change

ChangeLab Solutions has developed guides that offer a range of evidence-based policy strategies and a roadmap to policy implementation that can advance equity and prioritize care over punishment for people who use drugs. The strategies are intended to support state and local decision makers, government agency staff, public health practitioners, and community members in considering policies to prevent overdose and reduce other drug-related harm in their communities.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

COPN Accelerator 4.0 Case Studies: Health Equity Strategies in Overdose Prevention

What steps can communities take to incorporate health equity in overdose prevention? The following summary provides concrete examples of thoughtful approaches to applying health equity in overdose prevention at the local level to address rising rates of overdose. Case studies were drawn from overdose prevention coalitions participating in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 4.0 Program. These can serve as models for other coalitions and organizations across the country.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

2023 State of the States: Legislative Roadmap for Reducing Overdose Deaths and Increasing Access to Treatment (the Roadmap)

The Legislative Analysis and Public Policy Association developed the 2023 State of the State, which guides state leaders on the most effective approaches to addressing the opioid and other drug epidemic by identifying 10 evidence-based policy approaches to reduce overdoses. Each of the 10 strategies outlined in the Roadmap points to a specific type of policy that states can implement to reduce overdose deaths and increase access to substance use treatment.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns

ADAPT: Cultivating Prevention Videos

A Division for Advancing Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) supports the National High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Program by operationalizing the National HIDTA Prevention Strategy. ADAPT and HIDTA has created curriculum for implementing and evaluating substance use prevention practices within communities and has created videos to assist communities with keeping up to date with advances in prevention science. Their video library has s variety of trainings and technical webinars to cultivate, nurture, and support implementation of their prevention programming and curriculum.

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