Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Harm Reduction Hacks Microsite
Harm Reduction Hacks is a comprehensive microsite and resource to guide organizations developing new and/or with existing syringe services programs (SSPs) in program design, implementation, and organizational sustainability. This resource was developed through the CDC-funded National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center.
Dear Colleague Letter: Xylazine
The DEA recently issued a warning about xylazine, a veterinary drug. This "Dear Colleague" letter from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides a report on the risks of xylazine.
Fact Sheet: California Law and Syringe Services Programs
This fact sheet reviews California Law as it relates to syringe services programs (SSPs). It overviews key takeaways on syringe possession, syringe distribution, other safer drug use materials distributed for public health purposes, and naloxone.
Issue Brief: Smoking Supplies for Harm Reduction
In this issue brief it reviews smoking supplies for harm reduction, California law, and evidence for providing safer smoking supplies to reduce drug-related harm.
Fact Sheet: Syringe Services Programs in California: An Overview
This fact sheet provides information on syringe services programs critical role in California's efforts to stop drug overdose deaths, prevention of transmission of other blood-borne diseases, and HIV infections.
CA Department of Public Health Xylazine Information Page
The California Department of Public Health provides an informational page on xylazine, a veterinary drug. Xylazine has been linked to an increasing number of overdose deaths nationwide.
Sample Presentation for Teens
This slide deck created by the San Benito County Opioid Task Force can be used as an example of a presentation given to teens and adolescents when presenting on how to respond to an overdose, discuss administering naloxone and provide info on fentanyl.
Let's Talk: A Toolkit for Navigating Teen Substance Use in the Tri-County Region: Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz 2022
According to the data, teens growing up in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties have easy access and opportunity to use drugs and alcohol. This is a reality. But as parents and caregivers, we can help them navigate through these tough decisions. Where can we start? Know the facts, communicate openly, and listen to our teens.
Example Presentation: Fentanyl, Opioids, Narcan and Youth Presentation in Spanish
This slide deck is provided by Safe Rx Santa Cruz and Empower Watsonville and can be used as an example of a ready-made Spanish presentation when presenting to parents about overdose prevention and covering topics including fentanyl and naloxone.
Example Presentation: Fentanyl, Opioids, Narcan and Youth Presentation in English
This slide deck is provided by Safe Rx Santa Cruz and Empower Watsonville and can be used as an example of a ready-made presentation when presenting to parents about overdose prevention and covering topics including fentanyl and naloxone.
Example Presentation: Parent's Night Community Meetings
This slide deck is provided by Safe Rx Santa Cruz Coalition can be used as an example of a ready-made presentation when presenting to parents covering topics including fentanyl and naloxone.
High-Dose Buprenorphine Initiation in the Emergency Department Among Patients Using Fentanyl and Other Opioids
This research letter analyzes a cohort study comparing buprenorphine treatment initiation, response, and follow-up treatment engagement between patients who did and did not report fentanyl use at CA Bridge EDs (CA Bridge is an implementation facilitation program for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment in California emergency departments (EDs)).
Report: Practicing Harm Reduction in a Climate of Disasters (2021)
This report analyzes research on harm reduction practices in the context of disasters such as climate-related and systems-disrupting disasters.
Evaluating the impact of naloxone dispensation at public health vending machines in Clark County, Nevada
The research presented in this article examines the extent to which naloxone dispensation at public health vending machines (PHVMs) was associated with changes in opioid-involved overdose fatalities in Clark County, Nevada.
Racial Disparities in Access to Medication for Addiction Treatment
In this study, CA Bridge identifies racial disparities in accessing medication-assisted treatment (MAT), specifically looking at buprenorphine, in California.
Equity and Harm Reduction for Communities of Color
This tool created by CA Bridge focuses on reducing harms related to substance use in communities of color.
Summary Brief of Towards Equity-Driven Whole Child Health and Wellness
This brief provides a condensed version of the guide created with Youth Opioid Response California and California AfterSchool Network, to provide information on various strategies co-designed across sectors to support substance use prevention and creating hubs at schools and other community sites to promote whole child, whole family, and whole community health and wellbeing.
Fentanyl Awareness Pamphlet in Spanish
The Butte Glenn Opioid Safety Coalition created a pamphlet that highlights fentanyl awareness and resources.
Fentanyl Awareness Pamphlet in English
The Butte Glenn Opioid Safety coalition created a pamphlet that highlights fentanyl awareness and resources.