Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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How does stigma hurt patients? What can we do about it?
Did you know stigma can shorten a person’s lifespan by 12 years? In this episode of Addiction Medicine Made Easy, Casey Grover, MD reviews what stigma is, how it affects patients with stigmatizing conditions, and how to reduce stigma in health care.
Shatterproof Addiction Stigma Index
How does stigma contribute to addiction and overdose deaths? To raise awareness, Shatterproof created the Addiction Stigma Index, the largest survey of public attitudes about substance use disorder (SUD) and people with SUD in the United States. The results provide insights into how stigma manifests and impacts people living with SUD, their loved ones, and their communities.
The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect Flyer
A flyer for the The New Drug Talk Connect to Protect on how to talk to kids about fentanyl. It is a two-sided flyer, with one side in English and the other Spanish.
The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect Toolkit
This toolkit provides you with content to amplify the New Drug Talk message and includes: resources to share on social media, messaging guidelines, and draft email outreach.
COPN Accelerator 4.0 Program: Key Considerations for Centering Equity in Overdose Prevention
This handout provides the key considerations for centering equity in overdose prevention based on Dr. Lauren Powell's presentation to the COPN Accelerator 4.0 Coalitions.
Partnership Mapping Tool Addendum
Strong partnerships are essential to the success of any coalition. Use this addendum tool in addition to the Partnership Mapping Tool to assess your coalition infrastructure, identify critical community collaborators and power brokers, and further how these partners can support coalitions’ overdose prevention strategies.
Public Awareness Campaigns
The CDC generates a number of educational campaigns that you can utilize in your community. Use this webpage to see the variety of awareness campaigns and materials available.
Talking about Health Equity
Among the general public, the term equity isn’t widely understood. FrameWorks researchers have found that most people associate the term with financial topics, as in home equity or equity in a business. For communicators, this means that if you’re using the term, it’s vital to pair it with a clear explanation. Use this resource to help you with framing your message around equity.
Explaining the Social Determinants of Health
Public health experts use the term “social determinants of health” to refer to the idea that non-medical factors such as geography, income, and education have a significant effect on health. However, communications researchers have found that this term doesn’t make sense to the average person. What’s more, the phrase can even leave mistaken impressions that the “social determinants of health” has something to do with socialism or a belief that people lack free will. Use this resource to understand and help others understand the social determinants of health.
College Opioid Overdose Prevention Messaging Toolkit
The CDPH Office of Communications has developed a toolkit to college opioid overdose prevention messaging. In the toolkit are overdose prevention messaging resources and examples that supports reducing stigma to protect the lives of college students in California.
Youth Friendly Fentanyl & Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
The CDPH Office of Communications has developed a toolkit to support fentanyl and opioid overdose prevention messaging. In the toolkit are overdose prevention messaging that supports reducing stigma to protect the lives of Californians.
Substance Use Prevention Communications Toolkit
The toolkit provides evidence-informed guidance for creating, delivering, and disseminating messages to prevent onset or escalation of substance use in youth aged 12-18 and build community support and readiness for substance use prevention.
Taking Action on Racial Equity in Drug User Health Programs E-Course
This action-oriented e-course supports organizations to make racial justice and equity work part of their day to day values and practice designed specifically for organizations and providers working with people who use drugs.
Ruchika Tulshyan: Creating Purposeful Spaces of Inclusion and Belonging
In this fireside chat, Ruchika Tulshyan and Melody Barnes (Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions) discussed practices that can support and operationalize inclusive, equity-centered collaborative cultures. They also shared about the importance of elevating the voices of women of color and those historically underestimated within collaborative work.
Working with Local Opioid Coalitions to Maximize the Impact of your Opioid Settlement Funds
In this recorded webinar, COPN was invited to present to the participating subdivisions of the California Opioid Settlement Funds about how to maximize the impact of their funds locally with the help of presenters from local overdose safety coalitions in Lake and Sacramento Counties and COPN Impact Coach Mary Maddux - Gonzalez.
Big Tobacco Settlement Lessons
This website provides information about the criticism of the 1990s Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. It notes how states continue to collect billions of dollars from the tobacco settlements, only a small fraction of those funds are spent on smoking prevention and cessation programs.
OD Free Marin Website
This website is an great example of how local coalitions in California can communicate how to access naloxone, treatment, and other resources locally.
Santa Barbara Opioid Safety Coalition Website
Santa Barbara Opioid Safety Coalition's website is a great example of how to utilize a website to disseminate information on naloxone, treatment services, data, resources, and more.
Anti-Criminalization and Public Health Systems Factsheets
NASTAD, with consultant Reframe Health and Justice, created a three-part factsheet to provide information on the role of public health in addressing the impacts of criminalization and policing. The toolkit includes factsheet pages on Criminalization as a Determinant of Public Health, Abolition vs Reform, and Anti-Criminalization for Public Health Strategies.
Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) Podcast Episode 48: Classwide Scheduling of Fentanyl-Related Substances Won’t Save Lives - It Will Overcriminalize Them
In this podcast episode, the Drug Policy Alliance’s Maritza Perez speaks with FRS expert and criminal defense attorney Patricia Richman to explain more about what classwide drug scheduling means, and why we are fighting against it.