Resource Library

Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.


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Isn't Two Enough?

Racial disparities in arrest rates for drugs are a well-documented (and lived) reality. For decades, drug policy has contributed to skyrocketing incarceration rates among minority populations. This video looks at the reasons behind these disparities, and what must be done to achieve improvements in health and racial equity.

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PRO Youth and Families

PRO Youth and Families partners with schools, community organizations, and local governments to engage youth in opportunities that inspire hope. PRO Youth and Families’ offers a variety of direct service programs for youth and supports the Youth & Family Collective initiative that uplifts community organizations, drives collaboration, and fosters capacity building for responsive youth and family programs and services.

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A Tale of Two Zip Codes

When it comes to our health, our zip code matters more than our genetic code. For many communities in California and across the United States, easy access to healthy food options, parks for exercise, and good schools determines quality & length of life. The California Endowment’s 10-year Building Healthy Communities initiative seeks to bring equity to all neighborhoods so that all Californians can enjoy the benefits of healthy communities to live long and prosper.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Lake County Office of Education Naloxone Policy

This is an example of a local naloxone policy implementing by a county office of education. This policy allows for the superintendent or designee or any trained district staff member to administer naloxone during an opioid overdose and includes language to ensure the superintendent or designee to train and distribute naloxone kits to district staff and replace if used or expired.

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988: Reimagining Crisis Response

In 2020, the nation took a significant step forward with the enactment of the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act, a bill NAMI advocated for that created a nationwide three-digit number (988) to assist people experiencing a mental health or suicidal crisis. This fact sheet delves deeper into the purpose of the 988 line, and what it hopes to achieve.

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