Resource Library

Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.


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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Drug Overdose Response Webpage

The California Department of Public Health Overdose Prevention Initiative (CDPH OPI) shares recommendations and resources to statewide partners in response to increases in drug overdoses statewide. Each recommendation lists resources by partner type (public safety, public health departments, community-based organizations, health care providers and settings, harm reduction organizations, medical examiners and coroners, and public health and forensic laboratories). Identify your partner type and review the resources for local overdose prevention and response implementation. The CDPH OPI team will continue to update this webpage with new information and resources as needed.

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Telehealth Services a "Godsend' for Patients With Substance Use Disorders

From the start, patients like Richard (Ricky) Dominguez gravitated toward the telehealth counseling service, which they found much more accessible than in-person services. Dominguez, 26, has been battling substance use disorder since he was twelve. At the emergency room at a local hospital, he was referred to KCS, which, he says, “was a godsend.”

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Drug Facts

Most overdose deaths are preventable, but the "tough on crime" rhetoric of the decades-long drug war and the stigma associated with drug use have blocked the widespread adoption of life-saving overdose prevention and treatment policies. The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) is leading the national effort to reduce drug overdose deaths by promoting sensible, evidence-based solutions at the state and federal level.

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Fentanyl Use and Overdose Prevention Tips

Many individuals consume fentanyl without their knowledge (because they do not realize that it is in a product they’re using), while others are intentionally using fentanyl because of its potency. It is partly responsible for the current overdose crisis in the U.S., combined with a lack of resources and the criminalization of people who use drugs. This fact sheet from the National Harm Reduction Coalition (NHRC) addresses some of the myths and lesser known facts about fentanyl.

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