Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Support Harm Reduction Programs in the LA Region: Organizations requesting support and funds
Our partners at the National Harm Reduction Coalition have shared a curated list highlighting vetted support efforts led by harm reduction organizations in response to the recent wildfires. This includes details on needed supplies and opportunities to donate both for immediate relief and long-term rebuilding. While this list is not exhaustive, it prioritizes the needs of those most affected by the fires, based on the most current information available at the time of publication.
COPN Accelerator 5.0 Case Studies: Sustainability Strategies in Overdose Prevention
How can coalitions ensure the sustainability of overdose prevention efforts? The following summary highlights key sustainability practices implemented by overdose prevention coalitions that participated in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 5.0 Program. These case studies offer valuable insights for other coalitions seeking to strengthen their infrastructure and sustain their initiatives over time.
Overview of Recent Substance Use Policy and Legislation in California 2024
The following document summarizes recent policies in California aimed at overdose prevention, substance use disorders (SUD), and mental health based on a presentation by Riana King, Principal Consultant with the California Assembly Committee on Health, during the Summer 2024 COPN Convening. The legislative policies are categorized into four main areas: Funding Capacity, Treatment & Access, Harm Reduction & Prevention, and Oversight & Accountability.
COPN Accelerator 4.0 Case Studies: Health Equity Strategies in Overdose Prevention
What steps can communities take to incorporate health equity in overdose prevention? The following summary provides concrete examples of thoughtful approaches to applying health equity in overdose prevention at the local level to address rising rates of overdose. Case studies were drawn from overdose prevention coalitions participating in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 4.0 Program. These can serve as models for other coalitions and organizations across the country.
Partnership Mapping Tool Addendum
Strong partnerships are essential to the success of any coalition. Use this addendum tool in addition to the Partnership Mapping Tool to assess your coalition infrastructure, identify critical community collaborators and power brokers, and further how these partners can support coalitions’ overdose prevention strategies.
Self-Care Strategies Worksheet
This worksheet was developed by Cypress Resilience Project in partnership with PHI Center for Health Leadership and Impact for the Spring 2022 COPN Convening, which focused on toxic stress and burnout for individuals working in substance use and overdose prevention.
Working with Local Opioid Coalitions to Maximize the Impact of your Opioid Settlement Funds
In this recorded webinar, COPN was invited to present to the participating subdivisions of the California Opioid Settlement Funds about how to maximize the impact of their funds locally with the help of presenters from local overdose safety coalitions in Lake and Sacramento Counties and COPN Impact Coach Mary Maddux - Gonzalez.
Four Data Driven Harm Reduction Strategies in Overdose Prevention
What steps can communities take to engage youth in overdose prevention? The following summary provides concrete examples of data-driven strategies to address rising rates of overdose among youth. Case studies were drawn from overdose prevention coalitions participating in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 3.0 Program. These can serve as models for other coalitions and organizations across the country.
Four Data Driven Strategies to Engage Youth in Overdose Prevention
What steps can communities take to engage youth in overdose prevention? The following summary provides concrete examples of data-driven strategies to address rising rates of overdose among youth. Case studies were drawn from overdose prevention coalitions participating in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 3.0 Program. These can serve as models for other coalitions and organizations across the country.
Supporting Coalitions in Harm Reduction Services & Approaches for Youth
The National Harm Reduction Coalition (NHRC) worked with California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) funded multi-sector coalitions throughout the state in 2022 and focused on supporting coalitions in harm reduction services and approaches for youth. This handout is of the key highlights from the COPN Accelerator 3.0 Program of coalitions working NHRC and implementing harm reduction services for youth.
Preliminary Monthly Fatal Drug-Related Overdose Counts for August 2021 – July 2022
The CDPH Substance and Addiction Prevention Branch (SAPB) has recently updated its new data resource - Preliminary Monthly Fatal Drug-Related Overdose Counts for August 2021 - July 2022. This preliminary statewide monthly count data is presented by substance and posted on the Overdose Prevention Initiative (OPI) Data webpage. It is intended to provide death data to our partners more quickly. These counts may not represent all overdose-related deaths that occurred during the corresponding period. Subsequent versions of this data resource will also be available on the OPI Data webpage. The CDPH team continues to update the California Overdose Surveillance Dashboard with death data.
How to Create a Compelling Data Story
This video provides information about how to effectively reach people that are not a part of your immediate community or organization.
Eight Tips For Telling a Story With Your Data
This video provides information about how to effectively tell a story with your data.
Traditional and Social Media Tools and Tips
This video provides information about how to use media to reach those in your community and it provides examples who have successfully done this.
Strategic Communications: Tactics, Tools and Timing
This video provides information about how to plan outreach and engagement.
Framing Your Message
This video provides information on how to effectively frame your message and what kinds of tools you can use to do this effectively.
Spotlight - Framing Your Message
This short video shows a flyer that the Northern Sierra Coalition used to get information out about pain medications and naloxone.
Strategies to Lower Opioid Demand
Dr. Willis discusses what strategies to use to lower the opioid supply and to safely manage chronic pain. He also addresses the steps of recovery for those who are experiencing opioid use disorder.
Spotlight - Strategies to Reduce Opioid Supply
Dr. Grover discusses how doctors can reduce the opioid supply and use safer prescribing methods for chronic pain.
Strategies to Reduce Opioid Supply
This video discusses strategies to effectively reduce the opioid supply.