Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Support Harm Reduction Programs in the LA Region: Organizations requesting support and funds
Our partners at the National Harm Reduction Coalition have shared a curated list highlighting vetted support efforts led by harm reduction organizations in response to the recent wildfires. This includes details on needed supplies and opportunities to donate both for immediate relief and long-term rebuilding. While this list is not exhaustive, it prioritizes the needs of those most affected by the fires, based on the most current information available at the time of publication.
COPN Accelerator 5.0 Case Studies: Sustainability Strategies in Overdose Prevention
How can coalitions ensure the sustainability of overdose prevention efforts? The following summary highlights key sustainability practices implemented by overdose prevention coalitions that participated in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 5.0 Program. These case studies offer valuable insights for other coalitions seeking to strengthen their infrastructure and sustain their initiatives over time.
Example Resource: El Dorado COPE Fillable Fact Sheet Template
The El Dorado Coalition for Overdose Prevention and Education created a template to be used for other overdose prevention coalitions to use for outlining the overdose crisis locally, their coalition's history, achievements, and ways for new members to get involved. This fact sheet can serve as an effective tool for communication and engagement with the community, coalition partners, and local decision-makers.
Example Resource: Trinity Opioid Safety Coalition Charter
The Trinity Overdose Safety Coalition have provided their updated coalition charter to serve as an example for other overdose prevention coalitions. The charter provides coalition members with a formal operating structure and information needed to better understand the coalition’s overall purpose.
Example Resource: El Dorado Cope Monthly Newsletter
The El Dorado Coalition for Overdose Prevention and Education recently introduced a newsletter for their coalition an community members that focuses on highlighting partner achievements, showcasing the positive work being done by their coalition members like law enforcement, treatment centers, and youth groups in the county. This newsletter can be an example to be an adopted for your overdose prevention coalition.
Example Resource: EL Dorado COPE Collaboration Agreement
Given the diversity of the El Dorado Coalition on Overdose Prevention and Education, developed a collaborative agreement. This is essential to ensure that every voice is heard and provides unity in their mission to save lives, despite differing opinions. This document can be used as an example to be adopted for your overdose prevention coalition.
Example Resource: El Dorado COPE Fact Sheet
The El Dorado Coalition for Overdose Prevention and Education (COPE) developed a comprehensive one-sheet fact sheet outlining the overdose crisis in El Dorado County, the coalition's history, achievements, and ways for new members to get involved. This fact sheet can be used as an example for your overdose prevention coalition and can serve as an effective tool for communication and engagement.
Example Resource: SLO Opioid Safety Coalition Organizational Structure Info Sheet
The SLO Opioid Safety Coalition created this organization structure info sheet for the community and members of their coalition. The info sheet provides a brief overview of the history and what the coalition is, the vision and mission statement, the coalition objectives and strategies, and the current membership. This resource can be used as an example to be adapted for your overdose prevention coalition.
Example Resource: Trinity Opioid Safety Coalition New Member Welcome Packet
The Trinity Opioid Safety Coalition created this new member welcome packet to provide the new coalition members with what the coalition is, the “why” behind the coalition’s efforts in a way to establish a common identity and purpose among members. This new member packet can be used an an example and be adapted for your overdose prevention coalition.
Example Resource: SLO Opioid Safety Coalition Member Commitment Form
The San Luis Obispo (SLO) County Opioid Safety Coalition created a coalition member commitment form to establish a partnership agreement and foster better collaboration among coalition members. This form can be used an an example and be adapted for your overdose prevention coalition.
End Overdose
End Overdose is a nonprofit organization based in California. They provide education materials, as well as a way to order free naloxone and fentanyl test strips on college campuses.
Substance Use Prevention Resources for Young Adults
CDPH has compiled a webpage with resources for young adults (ages 18–25) who may use drugs. The resources explain and understand substance misuse, substance use disorder, how to talk to friends who may be struggling with substance misuse, and how to get help.
Substance Use Prevention Resources for Adult Role Models
Adult role models have an essential role on the growth and development of youth. They help guide youth to make healthy and informed decisions. Positive role models are protective social factors that promote youth health and well-being, and may reduce the risk of youth substance use, including high-risk substance use. This website has a list of resources to support adult role models communicate with youth about the risks of opioid and other substance use.
College Opioid Overdose Prevention Messaging Toolkit
The CDPH Office of Communications has developed a toolkit to college opioid overdose prevention messaging. In the toolkit are overdose prevention messaging resources and examples that supports reducing stigma to protect the lives of college students in California.
Youth Friendly Fentanyl & Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
The CDPH Office of Communications has developed a toolkit to support fentanyl and opioid overdose prevention messaging. In the toolkit are overdose prevention messaging that supports reducing stigma to protect the lives of Californians.
SHARE: School Health Repository of Experiences March 2023: Resources to Address Youth Fentanyl Crisis
In this special edition, Safe Schools shares health and safety practices and experiences by and for California schools and local health workers to address the youth fentanyl crisis in California.
Administering Naloxone Video in Spanish
The California Department of Public Health has created a video in Spanish that features information on administering naloxone.
Administering Naloxone Video in English
The California Department of Public Health has created a video in English that features information on administering naloxone.
Fentanyl Webpage in Spanish
The California Department of Public Health has created a webpage in Spanish that features information on fentanyl.
Naloxone Overdose Webpage in Spanish
The California Department of Public Health has created a webpage in Spanish that features information on naloxone.