Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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COPN Accelerator 4.0 Case Studies: Health Equity Strategies in Overdose Prevention
What steps can communities take to incorporate health equity in overdose prevention? The following summary provides concrete examples of thoughtful approaches to applying health equity in overdose prevention at the local level to address rising rates of overdose. Case studies were drawn from overdose prevention coalitions participating in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 4.0 Program. These can serve as models for other coalitions and organizations across the country.
Equity and Harm Reduction for Communities of Color
This tool created by CA Bridge focuses on reducing harms related to substance use in communities of color.
Gold Standard Podcast with Dr. Sue
National Harm Reduction Coalition’s Medical Director Dr. Kim Sue joins various guests from programs across the country to highlight the importance of low-barrier access to medications for opioid use.
Traditional Practices & Native Substance Use Healing (August 2022)
Tribal MAT ECHO training from August of 2022 that discusses the benefits of linking Native traditional practices with substance use recovery.
NEXTDistro is an online and mail-based harm reduction service designed to reduce opioid overdose death, prevent injection-related disease transmission, and improve the lives of people who use drugs.
How to Create a Compelling Data Story
This video provides information about how to effectively reach people that are not a part of your immediate community or organization.
Telehealth Services a "Godsend' for Patients With Substance Use Disorders
From the start, patients like Richard (Ricky) Dominguez gravitated toward the telehealth counseling service, which they found much more accessible than in-person services. Dominguez, 26, has been battling substance use disorder since he was twelve. At the emergency room at a local hospital, he was referred to KCS, which, he says, “was a godsend.”
Example from the Field: How a Rural County Implemented Harm Reduction Strategies
This video shows an example of a rural coalition that successfully implemented harm reduction strategies.
Health Access Vending Network Operations Manual
This operations manual is to provide those interested in implementing the HAVEN Project or a harm reduction vending machine project with a framework and additional tools to guide the process of establishment of a local program.
David Kan, MD: Why use Telemedicine to Treat Opioid Use Disorder?
Dr. David Kan of Bright Heart Health discusses the rise of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how we can utilize telehealth going forward to treat people with substance use disorder.
Supporting Telehealth and Technology-assisted Services for People Who Use Drugs: A Resource Guide
This resource guide offers recommendations, tools and examples from the field to better implement telehealth and technology-assisted services to increase access to care and improve outcomes for people with SUD.
New Medicaid Guidance for Community-based Mobile Crisis Services
This brief outlines the benefits of a mobile health care system to improve outreach and overdose prevention efforts.
Integrating prevention practices into the justice system
This presentation describes the systemic inequalities in the justice system, and obstacles faced by those with SUD who are incarcerated, particularly women.
When the disaster strikes: Experience from the field for preserving life-saving services and outreach to people who use drugs
This expert panel describes the challenges of reaching those with SUD during a crisis, and ways we must evolve to provide quality outreach services during an emergency.
Maternal Child Health in Justice Systems
The presentation focused on the need for accessible treatment services for incarcerated mothers with substance use disorder.
Issues for Native and Indigenous Communities
This discussion on the challenges faced by indigenous communities when accessing health care highlighted the need for better access to services and more attention to their needs from the federal government.
Overdose Prevention Resources During Climate Disasters
The Fall 2021 COPN Convening focused on overdose prevention strategies during disasters including fires, power outages, and the ongoing threat of COVID-19.
Coalition Fact Sheet Template
Successful coalitions are prepared to engage the public, recruit allies for the cause, and get the message out to as many people as possible. A coalition fact sheet will help your coalition tell your story including your goals, strategies, and accomplishments. This template provides an outline with examples and prompts for developing a fact sheet that can be used when creating a coalition website, presentation, or other outreach materials.
Worth a Thousand Words: How to Display Health Data
Organizations with access to health data face difficult decisions about how best to visualize these data for clarity, storytelling, and impact. This presentation serves as a guide to select the best visualization options for your data, and explains how to get started on the path to better data presentation.
Resources for drug use and COVID-19 risk reduction
Guidance documents, government advisories, and tools for people who use drugs and stakeholders likely to engage with people who use drugs