Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Addiction in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care Podcast
A practical and evidence-based podcast on how to think about, diagnose, and treat substance use disorders in the Emergency Department and Acute Care
Traditional and Social Media Tools and Tips
This video provides information about how to use media to reach those in your community and it provides examples who have successfully done this.
Sample Communications Plan
This is a sample of a communications plan created by Contra Costa MEDS Coalition.
Template ‘Communications Plan Primer’
This template explains how to begin building your Communications Plan.
Harm Reduction's Road from Fringe to Federal Drug Policy
The Biden administration is embracing harm reduction, which seeks to keep drug users safe even as they continue using. In this episode, Tradeoffs explores how harm reduction has become more mainstream and what kind of impact we can expect it to have on the overdose crisis.
Sample Creative Brief Website
This creative brief for the Santa Barbara Fighting Back Opioid Safety Network is an example of how to map out your website's content and design in an effective manner.
Sample Creative Brief
This sample creative brief from Safe Rx Mendocino is an example of how to effectively map out a media campaign aimed to reduce overdose-related deaths.
Life's Too Good' Style Sheet
This sample style sheet shows how to lay out an ad campaign in a visually effective manner.
Sample Communications Plan Primer
This sample communications plan primer shows how to effectively utilize the template to create a viable plan for your coalition.
Sample Social Media Messages
These are sample Facebook posts and media campaigns related to fentanyl-related deaths, MAT, and overdose prevention strategies.
Today, Explained: The new meth
This podcast with Sam Quiñones discusses the creation of a new synthetic substance that has become prevalent in recent years.
Opioids III: The Sacklers
John Oliver explains how the Sackler family has been handling lawsuits related to the opioid crisis, how hard they’ve been fighting to defend their name, and why you should judge the situation for yourself.
Marin County Letter to Pharmacists
Opioid prescribing in Marin has decreased 48 percent since 2014, when safe prescribing was made a local public health priority. Read this news release to learn more.
Naloxone and Stigma Reduction Media Campaigns
This video presents examples of naloxone and stigma reduction campaigns.