Resource Library

Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.


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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Overview of Youth Overdose Prevention Policies in California

During the Fall 2023 COPN Convening that focused on advancing youth overdose prevention, treatment and harm reduction in California, COPN Impact Coach Mary Maddux-Gonzalez reviewed recent policies (2023) that had been passed related to youth overdose prevention and treatment. This handout provides more information on the recent policies that have initiatives that emphasize naloxone accessibility, on-campus treatment, conservatorship updates, and fentanyl detection measures.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Local EMS Lead the Country with Opioid Treatment Model

This webpage overviews the Contra Costa County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Pilot Project. It is the first in the country to launch a pilot project for paramedics to provide medication for addiction treatment (MAT) directly to patients in withdrawal from opioid use disorder. Lead by Dr. Gene Hern, the EMS Project Director of the CA Bridge program at the Public Health Institute, Dr. David Goldstein, of the Contra Costa County Emergency Medical Services Agency, and Dr. Ori Tzvieli, the Medical Director of Contra Costa County Public Health, the project has started serving patients in the region.

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Veronica Johnson Veronica Johnson

Example Presentation: Fentanyl and Naloxone Training

This slide deck created by the San Benito County Opioid Task Force can be used as an example of a presentation on how to respond to an overdose, train the audience on administering naloxone and provide info on fentanyl and local data.

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