Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Drug Policy Alliance
Overdose deaths in the United States dropped by nearly 17% between July 2023 and July 2024. However, over 93,000 people died of drug overdose in that period, more than the number of people who died from vehicle-caused accidents or firearms combined. This remains an urgent public health issue that requires evidence-based solutions. Public health interventions saved lives and must be expanded. Effective interventions include: the overdose prevention drug naloxone, expanded harm reduction services such as fentanyl test strips, increased access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), and drug education based in facts, not fear.
Support Harm Reduction Programs in the LA Region: Organizations requesting support and funds
Our partners at the National Harm Reduction Coalition have shared a curated list highlighting vetted support efforts led by harm reduction organizations in response to the recent wildfires. This includes details on needed supplies and opportunities to donate both for immediate relief and long-term rebuilding. While this list is not exhaustive, it prioritizes the needs of those most affected by the fires, based on the most current information available at the time of publication.
Shatterproof Addiction Language Guide
Words matter, especially when talking about substance use disorder (SUD). Shatterproof recognizes the difficulty of making language changes across organizations and systems. That’s why they created training materials that are made available for everyone wanting to make a difference.
How to Thrive During the Holiday Season
The holidays can be a difficult time for many. That’s why Mid- America ATTC developed a holiday toolkit. This toolkit includes tips for people in recovery and those who support them, harm reduction techniques for those who want to cut back during the holidays, self-care ideas, LGBTQ+ and recovery resources, and more!
How does stigma hurt patients? What can we do about it?
Did you know stigma can shorten a person’s lifespan by 12 years? In this episode of Addiction Medicine Made Easy, Casey Grover, MD reviews what stigma is, how it affects patients with stigmatizing conditions, and how to reduce stigma in health care.
NIH Launches program to advance research led by Native American communities on substance use and pain
In recent years overdose death rates have been highest among American Indian and Alaskan Native People. Research prioritized by native communities is essential for enhancing and promoting positive health outcomes. The Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness (N CREW) Program will support research projects led directly by Tribes and organizations that serve Native American communities. The NIH will also support the development of a Native Research Network to provide training, resources, and real-time support to N CREW participants.
Shatterproof Addiction Stigma Index
How does stigma contribute to addiction and overdose deaths? To raise awareness, Shatterproof created the Addiction Stigma Index, the largest survey of public attitudes about substance use disorder (SUD) and people with SUD in the United States. The results provide insights into how stigma manifests and impacts people living with SUD, their loved ones, and their communities.
Overview of Recent Substance Use Policy and Legislation in California 2024
The following document summarizes recent policies in California aimed at overdose prevention, substance use disorders (SUD), and mental health based on a presentation by Riana King, Principal Consultant with the California Assembly Committee on Health, during the Summer 2024 COPN Convening. The legislative policies are categorized into four main areas: Funding Capacity, Treatment & Access, Harm Reduction & Prevention, and Oversight & Accountability.
ASTHO’s Public Health Legal Mapping Center
Explore ASTHO’s Public Health Legal Mapping Center, which utilizes interactive tools to analyze state laws on overdose prevention and public health infrastructure, tracking changes and trends over time.
COPN Accelerator 4.0 Case Studies: Health Equity Strategies in Overdose Prevention
What steps can communities take to incorporate health equity in overdose prevention? The following summary provides concrete examples of thoughtful approaches to applying health equity in overdose prevention at the local level to address rising rates of overdose. Case studies were drawn from overdose prevention coalitions participating in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 4.0 Program. These can serve as models for other coalitions and organizations across the country.
Naloxone Pocket Card Example
OD Free Marin provided their naloxone instructional pocket card PDF for other individuals to use as an example to adapt for local use.
2023 State of the States: Legislative Roadmap for Reducing Overdose Deaths and Increasing Access to Treatment (the Roadmap)
The Legislative Analysis and Public Policy Association developed the 2023 State of the State, which guides state leaders on the most effective approaches to addressing the opioid and other drug epidemic by identifying 10 evidence-based policy approaches to reduce overdoses. Each of the 10 strategies outlined in the Roadmap points to a specific type of policy that states can implement to reduce overdose deaths and increase access to substance use treatment.
ADAPT: Cultivating Prevention Videos
A Division for Advancing Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) supports the National High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Program by operationalizing the National HIDTA Prevention Strategy. ADAPT and HIDTA has created curriculum for implementing and evaluating substance use prevention practices within communities and has created videos to assist communities with keeping up to date with advances in prevention science. Their video library has s variety of trainings and technical webinars to cultivate, nurture, and support implementation of their prevention programming and curriculum.
ADAPT: Prevention Intervention Resource Center
The National High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Program has developed the Prevention Intervention Resource Center (PIRC). PIRC serves as a repository for publicly available resources for HIDTA communities to advance their evidence-based prevention programming. They have free curriculum available that includes: Sharing Substance-Related Information with Youth 11-18: Integrating the Best Available Evidence to Prevent Unintended Harm, Developing a Communications Plan, Developing Messaging Messaging through Mass Media, and so much more.
Overview of Youth Overdose Prevention Policies in California
During the Fall 2023 COPN Convening that focused on advancing youth overdose prevention, treatment and harm reduction in California, COPN Impact Coach Mary Maddux-Gonzalez reviewed recent policies (2023) that had been passed related to youth overdose prevention and treatment. This handout provides more information on the recent policies that have initiatives that emphasize naloxone accessibility, on-campus treatment, conservatorship updates, and fentanyl detection measures.
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network: Products & Resources
The Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network provides training and technical assistance services to anyone in the substance misuse prevention field. It does this by developing and disseminating tools and strategies needed to improve the quality of substance misuse prevention efforts; providing intensive technical assistance and learning resources to prevention professionals in order to improve their understanding of prevention science, epidemiological data, and implementation of evidence-based and promising practices; and, developing tools and resources to engage the next generation of prevention professionals.
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention 101: Key Concepts in Prevention
The Center for Applied Research Solutions created this presention on key concepts in prevention of substance use disorders. This presentation covers the 6 major prevention strategies that it has developed that cover the following topics for you to apply in your overdose prevention work: information dissemination, education, alternatives, problem ID and referral, community based-processes, and environmental prevention strategies.
Focus on Prevention: Strategies and Programs to Prevent Substance Use
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services(HHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), has developed this guide as a starting point to help a wide range of groups and communities move from concerns about substance use to proven and practical solutions. This guide offers brief, easy-to-read information that organizations can use to plan and deliver prevention strategies in a wide array of settings, through a variety of methods.
Overdose Lifeline
The Overdose Lifeline is a non profit overdose prevention organization based in Indiana that has informational pages on harm reduction and also has free youth focused educational programs like Aaron's Place: Exchange and Camp Mariposa.
Operation Prevention
The DEA has joined forces with Discovery Education to provide no-cost online tools that support every member of the community with the power of prevention. Help kickstart life-saving conversations today with standards-aligned English & Spanish-language resources for students in grades 3-12, plus additional resources designed for educators, families, and professionals.