Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Partnership Mapping Tool Addendum
Strong partnerships are essential to the success of any coalition. Use this addendum tool in addition to the Partnership Mapping Tool to assess your coalition infrastructure, identify critical community collaborators and power brokers, and further how these partners can support coalitions’ overdose prevention strategies.
Ruchika Tulshyan: Creating Purposeful Spaces of Inclusion and Belonging
In this fireside chat, Ruchika Tulshyan and Melody Barnes (Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions) discussed practices that can support and operationalize inclusive, equity-centered collaborative cultures. They also shared about the importance of elevating the voices of women of color and those historically underestimated within collaborative work.
Working with Local Opioid Coalitions to Maximize the Impact of your Opioid Settlement Funds
In this recorded webinar, COPN was invited to present to the participating subdivisions of the California Opioid Settlement Funds about how to maximize the impact of their funds locally with the help of presenters from local overdose safety coalitions in Lake and Sacramento Counties and COPN Impact Coach Mary Maddux - Gonzalez.
Evidence-Based Strategies for Preventing Opioid Overdose: What’s Working in the United States
This document is to assist community leaders, local and regional organizers, non-profit groups, law enforcement, public health, and members of the public in understanding and navigating effective strategies to prevent opioid overdose in their communities.
Key Considerations for Applying an Equity Lens to Collaborative Practice
This brief helps collaborative teams formally assess existing policies to determine whether, and to what extent, they contribute to disproportionate and disparate outcomes for the families being served.
Harm Reduction Hacks Microsite
Harm Reduction Hacks is a comprehensive microsite and resource to guide organizations developing new and/or with existing syringe services programs (SSPs) in program design, implementation, and organizational sustainability. This resource was developed through the CDC-funded National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center.
Report: Practicing Harm Reduction in a Climate of Disasters (2021)
This report analyzes research on harm reduction practices in the context of disasters such as climate-related and systems-disrupting disasters.
Summary Brief of Towards Equity-Driven Whole Child Health and Wellness
This brief provides a condensed version of the guide created with Youth Opioid Response California and California AfterSchool Network, to provide information on various strategies co-designed across sectors to support substance use prevention and creating hubs at schools and other community sites to promote whole child, whole family, and whole community health and wellbeing.
California’s Golden Opportunity Post-Convening Update & Materials
On Friday, September 16, 2022, the California AfterSchool Network (CAN) successfully convened CA practitioners and educators in California’s Golden Opportunity: Promoting Child & Community Wellness Through Cross-Sector Expanded Learning Partnerships event. This culminating virtual event of the Whole Child Health & Wellness Community of Practice, was funded by Youth Opioid Response (YOR) California. The purpose of the virtual event was to create awareness about California’s Golden Opportunity for multi-sector partnerships with California’s Expanded Learning Programs that promote health, and mental health, and increase access to substance use intervention and treatment for children, youth, and families. Resources from the convening can be found here.
California AfterSchool Network
"The California AfterSchool Network (CAN) is an organization that exists to make a difference in the health and well-being of children, youth, their families, and their communities by strengthening access to high-quality Out-of-School Time (OST) programs.
Statewide System of Support for Expanded Learning
California has a system of support for expanded learning (SSEL). This webpage has the most current contacts for each region in California.
Towards Equity-Driven Whole Child Health and Wellness
This brief provides a condensed version of the guide created with Youth Opioid Response California and California AfterSchool Network, to provide information on various strategies co-designed across sectors to support substance use prevention and creating hubs at schools and other community sites to promote whole child, whole family, and whole community health and wellbeing.
California's Golden Opportunity
In this blog post by Jeff Davis, the Executive Director of California AfterSchool Network, speaks on the opportunities to partner with expanded learning programs in California to support the whole child, whole family, and community wellness.
Health Equity Guide Webinar Series
This 4-part webinar series hosts national experts and local health departments to discuss their work to advance health equity. Each webinar focuses on a set of strategic practices that health departments can take to pursue a wall-to-wall transformation of how they work internally, with communities, and alongside other government agencies.
Expanding Access To Medications For Opioid Use Disorder Treatment For Justice-Involved Populations Under Community Supervision: Best Practices From Four States
In July 2021, four states discovered a variety of policy and programmatic approaches to improve the medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) landscape. The four states were able to pilot interagency collaborations, launch training and education curricula and explore innovative solutions around screening, treatments and case management.
Why partner with harm reduction programs?
This video describes the role that harm reduction plays in reducing rates of substance use disorder, and how they can make a difference when health care interventions alone are not enough.
Overdose Prevention in Action: Developing Strategic Partnerships with Law Enforcement in Las Vegas
This video discusses valuable partnerships that have been formed between law enforcement and overdose prevention services in Las Vegas to promote overdose prevention.
Strategic Communications: Tactics, Tools and Timing
This video provides information about how to plan outreach and engagement.
Strategies to Reduce Opioid Supply
This video discusses strategies to effectively reduce the opioid supply.
COPN Fall 2022 Convening: Sustaining Your Work in Overdose Prevention Discussion Tool
How can you best position your community to sustain your overdose prevention efforts? Below are some ways to guide your thinking about strategies to sustain your current efforts and position your community to utilize the opioid settlement funds.