Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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Harm Reduction Hacks Microsite
Harm Reduction Hacks is a comprehensive microsite and resource to guide organizations developing new and/or with existing syringe services programs (SSPs) in program design, implementation, and organizational sustainability. This resource was developed through the CDC-funded National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center.
Gold Standard Podcast with Dr. Sue
National Harm Reduction Coalition’s Medical Director Dr. Kim Sue joins various guests from programs across the country to highlight the importance of low-barrier access to medications for opioid use.
NEXTDistro is an online and mail-based harm reduction service designed to reduce opioid overdose death, prevent injection-related disease transmission, and improve the lives of people who use drugs.
CA Syringe Services Programs & Harm Reduction
California Department of Public Health has a Harm Reduction and Syringe Access Division, focused on serving people who inject drugs. California law supports public health efforts to expand access to sterile syringes through both syringe exchange programs (SEPs, also known as syringe services programs) and nonprescription syringe sale in pharmacies.
Syringe Access Manual
This pragmatic and straightforward guide can serve as a valuable tool for new and established programs alike, offering practice suggestions and guidance in several areas.
Tools and Resources for Health Departments and Syringe Services Programs
These resources may be helpful to health departments and other local partners engaged in planning, designing, and implementing syringe services programs (SSPs) in their jurisdictions.
Health Access Vending Network Operations Manual
This operations manual is to provide those interested in implementing the HAVEN Project or a harm reduction vending machine project with a framework and additional tools to guide the process of establishment of a local program.
Know Your Rights
This fact sheet is a pocket resource for knowing rights to possession of overdose prevention materials, such as syringes, naloxone, or potentially other substance use materials.
Health and Safety Code 121349.1
The Health and Safety Code, HSC 121349.1, allows the California Department of Public Health and local health departments to exempt SSPs from designated ‘paraphernalia’.
Pharmacy Access to Sterile Injection Supplies for People Who Inject Drugs
There can be a lot of pushback in communities when it comes to syringe services. This article about how pharmacies can expand over-the-counter sterile injection supplies to prevent the spread of infection, especially during COVID-19.
Managing Pushback to Syringe Exchange
This is a conversation about syringe exchange programs and how they can increase access to treatment programs.
Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) Fact Sheet
Syringe Services Programs aim to help stop substance use, reduce infection rates among those who inject drugs, and prevent overdose deaths by distributing naloxone to law enforcement.
Practicing Harm Reduction in the COVID-19 Outbreak
Guidance for syringe services/harm reduction providers and safer drug use in the COVID-19 outbreak.