Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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ASTHO’s Public Health Legal Mapping Center
Explore ASTHO’s Public Health Legal Mapping Center, which utilizes interactive tools to analyze state laws on overdose prevention and public health infrastructure, tracking changes and trends over time.
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network: Products & Resources
The Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network provides training and technical assistance services to anyone in the substance misuse prevention field. It does this by developing and disseminating tools and strategies needed to improve the quality of substance misuse prevention efforts; providing intensive technical assistance and learning resources to prevention professionals in order to improve their understanding of prevention science, epidemiological data, and implementation of evidence-based and promising practices; and, developing tools and resources to engage the next generation of prevention professionals.
Overdose Lifeline
The Overdose Lifeline is a non profit overdose prevention organization based in Indiana that has informational pages on harm reduction and also has free youth focused educational programs like Aaron's Place: Exchange and Camp Mariposa.
Operation Prevention
The DEA has joined forces with Discovery Education to provide no-cost online tools that support every member of the community with the power of prevention. Help kickstart life-saving conversations today with standards-aligned English & Spanish-language resources for students in grades 3-12, plus additional resources designed for educators, families, and professionals.
The Fentalog Study: A Subset of Nonfatal Suspected Opioid-Involved Overdoses with Toxicology Testing
Using data from The Fentalog Study, this dashboard provides estimates of substances detected in samples from patients experiencing a suspected opioid-involved overdose. These data can be used in combination with nonfatal drug overdose data from the CDC’s Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) system to improve understanding of drug use patterns in nonfatal overdoses.
Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC)
The Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) is a multicenter toxicosurveillance and research network. As a toxicosurveillance network, ToxIC can detect new and emerging drugs of abuse, adverse effects of new medications in the post-marketing phase, and emerging toxicological threats. On their webpage you can explore their various projects like the Fentalog Project, learn more about ToxIC, and more.
Public Awareness Campaigns
The CDC generates a number of educational campaigns that you can utilize in your community. Use this webpage to see the variety of awareness campaigns and materials available.
What is Substance Disorder?
The American Psychiatric Association’s website provides a succinct overview of substance use disorder (SUD), how its treated, the 13 priniciples of treatment, how to support a family member or friend, and related conditions.
Faith in Harm Reduction
Faith in Harm Reduction is a non-profit organization that fosters opportunities for the co-creation of spiritual community and relationship building in partnership with people who use drugs and other harm reduction community leaders. Through the hosting of events and a growing national network of Faith in Harm Reduction leaders who provide peer to peer support, information sharing, and spiritual care for the harm reduction movement, Faith in Harm Reduction strengthens spiritual resources for harm reduction and intersectional healing and justice movements.
End Overdose
End Overdose is a nonprofit organization based in California. They provide education materials, as well as a way to order free naloxone and fentanyl test strips on college campuses.
National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center
The National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center (NHRTAC) provides free help to anyone in the country providing (or planning to provide) harm reduction services to their community. This may include syringe services programs, health departments, programs providing treatment for substance use disorder, as well as prevention and recovery programs. Visit the NHRTAC to request free assistance for your program via their request form.
State-Level Guides For Community Advocates On Opioid Settlements
Christine Minhee, founder of opioidsettlementtracker.com and Vital Strategies created this encyclopedic set of guides to equip community advocates with expert-level analyses of each state’s opioid settlement spending approach. Each guide contains, key takeaways, total funds and allocations, decision-making process and mechanism, engaging in the process, tracking funds and accountability, and available resources.
Substance Use Prevention Resources for Young Adults
CDPH has compiled a webpage with resources for young adults (ages 18–25) who may use drugs. The resources explain and understand substance misuse, substance use disorder, how to talk to friends who may be struggling with substance misuse, and how to get help.
Substance Use Prevention Resources for Adult Role Models
Adult role models have an essential role on the growth and development of youth. They help guide youth to make healthy and informed decisions. Positive role models are protective social factors that promote youth health and well-being, and may reduce the risk of youth substance use, including high-risk substance use. This website has a list of resources to support adult role models communicate with youth about the risks of opioid and other substance use.
Duke University Opioid Abatement and Investment Tool
Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy and Third Horizon Strategies (THS) launched the Opioid Abatement Needs and Investment (OANI) tool. This interactive resource, developed with support from the Elevance Health Foundation, aims to assist local, municipal and state level leaders working to address the opioid epidemic in their communities. The tool provides geographic-specific information on the potential need for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment and recovery services and the locality’s capacity to meet that demand. The 1.0 version of the tool uses publicly available data at the county and state level and enables users to investigate a county’s potential need for OUD treatment and recovery capacity across the Healthy People 2030 Social Determinant of Health Domains.
Big Tobacco Settlement Lessons
This website provides information about the criticism of the 1990s Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. It notes how states continue to collect billions of dollars from the tobacco settlements, only a small fraction of those funds are spent on smoking prevention and cessation programs.
SAMHSA Resources for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+)
SAMHSA compiled a list of resources for individuals and providers that includes national survey reports, agency and federal initiatives, and related behavioral health resources.
Faces & Voices of Recovery: LGBTQ+ Recovery Resources
According to the Recovery Research Institute, it is estimated that 30 percent of LGBTQ+ individuals face some form of addiction, compared with 9 percent of the general population. However, there is a lack of LGBTQ+ recovery resources. Faces & Voices of Recovery have created a list of LBGTQ+ focused recovery resources.
YOR California 3 Funding Awards Released
The California Youth Opioid Response (YOR California) is pleased to announce 43 grant awards for the third round of State Opioid Response (SOR) funding of $12 million, subsequent to a statewide RFA process, and over 70 applications.
YOR California seeks to strengthen capacity and access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services, as well as access points to Medication-Assisted Treatment, for youth (ages 12-24) and their families. This opportunity is also designed to foster the creation, coordination and strengthening of local level multi-system networks and to encourage the development of new partnerships between agencies that touch youth.
YOR California
YOR California is a joint effort by the California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions and Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. and funded by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Community Services Division, Federal Grants Branch that supports funding community-based organizations throughout California, whose efforts spanning the continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services for youth.