Resource Library

Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.


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Overdose Prevention Strategies Fiona Buzzard Overdose Prevention Strategies Fiona Buzzard

Readiness Assessment for Harm Reduction Vending Machines: A Decision Making Tool for Organizations and Communities

When considering a strategy like harm reduction vending machines it is critical to understand community context and to get buy-in from staff, key community stakeholders, partners, and program participants. To help with this, Bloomberg American Health Initiative fellows Callie Kaplan, Zach Kosinski, Nicole Barnes and Erin Russell, under the guidance of Dr. Susan Sherman, created a readiness toolkit to support agencies, community-based organizations, and advocacy groups to make informed decisions about the use of harm reduction vending machines in their communities.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns

Public Safety-Led Community-Oriented Overdose Prevention Efforts (PS-COPE) Concept Paper

This PS-COPE Concept Paper is a new approach to community-oriented overdose prevention and response in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Communities. It is a supplemental resource that describes the cross-cutting principles of trauma-informed, recovery-oriented, procedurally just and PS-COPE approaches, and how each of these frameworks brings unique value to working within BIPOC communities.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns Overdose Prevention Strategies Jalyn Burns

Public Safety-Led Community-Oriented Overdose Prevention Efforts (PS-COPE) Toolkit

The Public Safety-led Community-oriented Overdose Prevention Efforts (PS-COPE) Toolkit is a new approach to overdose prevention and response for Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) communities. It combines three proven models to enhance overdose prevention and response: trauma-informed care, recovery-oriented systems of care and procedural justice.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies, Data & CQI Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies, Data & CQI Veronica Johnson

Four Data Driven Strategies to Engage Youth in Overdose Prevention

What steps can communities take to engage youth in overdose prevention? The following summary provides concrete examples of data-driven strategies to address rising rates of overdose among youth. Case studies were drawn from overdose prevention coalitions participating in the California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) Accelerator 3.0 Program. These can serve as models for other coalitions and organizations across the country.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Supporting Coalitions in Harm Reduction Services & Approaches for Youth

The National Harm Reduction Coalition (NHRC) worked with California Overdose Prevention Network (COPN) funded multi-sector coalitions throughout the state in 2022 and focused on supporting coalitions in harm reduction services and approaches for youth. This handout is of the key highlights from the COPN Accelerator 3.0 Program of coalitions working NHRC and implementing harm reduction services for youth.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies, Data & CQI Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies, Data & CQI Veronica Johnson

Expanding Access To Medications For Opioid Use Disorder Treatment For Justice-Involved Populations Under Community Supervision: Best Practices From Four States

In July 2021, four states discovered a variety of policy and programmatic approaches to improve the medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) landscape. The four states were able to pilot interagency collaborations, launch training and education curricula and explore innovative solutions around screening, treatments and case management.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Guide to Harm Reduction in the Emergency Department

While many medical professionals promote an abstinence-based approach to discussing drug use, offering tools and education around safer drug use supports patient health if they continue to use drugs. Harm reduction is the moral foundation and root practice of offering these tools and services. View this guide from the CA ED Bridge Program on how to establish a harm reduction program in your hospital and easily access related resources.

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