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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

YOR California 3 Funding Awards Released

The California Youth Opioid Response (YOR California) is pleased to announce 43 grant awards for the third round of State Opioid Response (SOR) funding of $12 million, subsequent to a statewide RFA process, and over 70 applications.

YOR California seeks to strengthen capacity and access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services, as well as access points to Medication-Assisted Treatment, for youth (ages 12-24) and their families. This opportunity is also designed to foster the creation, coordination and strengthening of local level multi-system networks and to encourage the development of new partnerships between agencies that touch youth.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

YOR California

YOR California is a joint effort by the California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions and Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. and funded by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Community Services Division, Federal Grants Branch that supports funding community-based organizations throughout California, whose efforts spanning the continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services for youth.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Local EMS Lead the Country with Opioid Treatment Model

This webpage overviews the Contra Costa County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Pilot Project. It is the first in the country to launch a pilot project for paramedics to provide medication for addiction treatment (MAT) directly to patients in withdrawal from opioid use disorder. Lead by Dr. Gene Hern, the EMS Project Director of the CA Bridge program at the Public Health Institute, Dr. David Goldstein, of the Contra Costa County Emergency Medical Services Agency, and Dr. Ori Tzvieli, the Medical Director of Contra Costa County Public Health, the project has started serving patients in the region.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Wound Care & Medical Triage for People Who Use Drugs and the Programs That Serve Them

This comprehensive guide provides information and recommendations regarding general health, safer use practices, common viral, fungal, parasitic, and other injection-related infections, overdose and overamp, tapering, withdrawal, medications for opioid use disorder, and seeking medical care.

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