Resource Library

Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.


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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Operation Prevention

The DEA has joined forces with Discovery Education to provide no-cost online tools that support every member of the community with the power of prevention. Help kickstart life-saving conversations today with standards-aligned English & Spanish-language resources for students in grades 3-12, plus additional resources designed for educators, families, and professionals.

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Data & CQI Veronica Johnson Data & CQI Veronica Johnson

The Fentalog Study: A Subset of Nonfatal Suspected Opioid-Involved Overdoses with Toxicology Testing

Using data from The Fentalog Study, this dashboard provides estimates of substances detected in samples from patients experiencing a suspected opioid-involved overdose. These data can be used in combination with nonfatal drug overdose data from the CDC’s Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) system to improve understanding of drug use patterns in nonfatal overdoses.

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Data & CQI Jalyn Burns Data & CQI Jalyn Burns

Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) 

The Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) is a multicenter toxicosurveillance and research network. As a toxicosurveillance network, ToxIC can detect new and emerging drugs of abuse, adverse effects of new medications in the post-marketing phase, and emerging toxicological threats. On their webpage you can explore their various projects like the Fentalog Project, learn more about ToxIC, and more.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

SAMHSA Youth Substance Use Prevention Month and Substance Misuse Prevention Month Toolkit

In the month of October, we focus on youth substance use prevention and substance misuse prevention. 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the "Talk.They Hear You." campaign. Prevention efforts enhance protective factors and minimize risks in individuals, families, schools, communities, and society at large. Extensive research and community-based experiences over the years affirm the effectiveness of prevention strategies, see the toolkit for more information, campaign materials, and more.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Addressing Opioid Use Disorder in Emergency Departments: Expert Panel Findings

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing hosted a technical experts’ panel (TEP) to identify best and promising practices to engage individuals surviving overdose and assist individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) presenting in emergency department (ED) settings. This report identifies key policy and practice recommendations informed by existing research, case examples and findings from the TEP.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Training and Educating Public Safety to Prevent Overdose Among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Communities

To better understand the training and education needs of public safety personnel related to preventing overdose in BIPOC communities, and to inform the development of future trainings, the National Council, with the support of the CDC, conducted an environmental scan that included a literature review and a series of key informant interviews and roundtables. The key findings from these activities are explained in this guide.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Overdose Prevention and Response in Community Corrections: An Environmental Scan

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, conducted an environmental scan to determine how overdose prevention and response efforts are currently implemented in community corrections. This effort included a literature review, 19 key informant interviews and a roundtable discussion with a diverse group of individuals with experience in community corrections, overdose prevention or harm reduction.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Supporting Telehealth and Technology-assisted Services for People Who Use Drugs: A Resource Guide

This resource guide created by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing (National Council) aims to help harm reduction organizations, SUD treatment providers and other organizations that serve PWUD overcome challenges associated with implementing telehealth and technology-assisted services and leverage these advances to help improve the health and wellness of PWUD.

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Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson Overdose Prevention Strategies Veronica Johnson

Fostering Resilience and Recovery: A Change Package

To better address trauma in primary care, Kaiser Permanente and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing (National Council) launched the Trauma-Informed Care Primary Care: Fostering Resilience and Recovery initiative to develop, test, disseminate and scale a field-informed Change Package. Implementing trauma-informed approaches within primary care marks a fundamental shift in care delivery that supports improved utilization of services, improved patient outcomes, increased staff satisfaction and healthier work environments.

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Partnership Mapping Tool Addendum

Strong partnerships are essential to the success of any coalition. Use this addendum tool in addition to the Partnership Mapping Tool to assess your coalition infrastructure, identify critical community collaborators and power brokers, and further how these partners can support coalitions’ overdose prevention strategies.

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