Resource Library
Toolkits, guides, and other resources vetted by experts in overdose prevention.
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COPN Crafting a Persuasive Narrative, Part 1: Knowing your audience and messaging appropriately
Utilize this tool to develop a persuasive narrative of your coalition’s work and community impact.
COPN Build Your Own Narrative Worksheet
Utilize this tool to create an impactful narrative for crafting an impact message of your coalition’s work.
Jennifer Aaker - Persuasion and the Power of Story
Jennifer Aaker studies happiness, and how stories can affect our happiness; she believes that stories are more meaningful–more memorable, more impactful, and more personal–than statistics alone. When used with statistical data, stories are an incredible persuasive tool that can help us as humans decide what to believe in a world that is otherwise incredibly over-saturated with information.
Bob’s Story
This is the story of Bob and his experience with overcoming substance use disorder.
Campaigns from Shatterproof, Truth, and the Crisis Next Door
Use this site to discover stories about opioid use all over the country.
Example from the Field: How a Rural County Implemented Harm Reduction Strategies
This video shows an example of a rural coalition that successfully implemented harm reduction strategies.
Bridging the Divide Between Mental Health Care and Addiction Treatment
CHCF released a new report that shows that people with a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance use disorder have a difficult time to receive fully coordinated and effective care. This story is just one of many depicting this reality.
Sam Quiñones on Meth, Fentanyl, and the Least of Us
Author and journalist Sam Quiñones focuses on the devastation caused by methamphetamine and fentanyl in the United States, and what role community and other institutions can play.
Safe Rx Mendocino
This campaign provides stories and resources to help their community overcome high rates of substance use. Check out their resources on treatment options, how to get naloxone, and watch stories of community members in recovery.
To Combat Meth, California Will Try A Bold Treatment: Pay Drug Users To Stop Using
This article describes how California is taking an unusual approach to tackling the rising rates of fatal drug overdoses: paying drug users not to use drugs.